Competitor benchmark
Competitor benchmark
Competitor benchmark
Think you are doing well compared to your competitors?
Think you are doing well compared to your competitors?
Think you are doing well compared to your competitors?
Our benchmark analysis will tell you how you fare against your competitors backed with real customer data
Our benchmark analysis will tell you how you fare against your competitors backed with real customer data
Our benchmark analysis will tell you how you fare against your competitors backed with real customer data

Trusted by industry leaders in the restaurant market:
Trusted by industry leaders in the restaurant market

I always believed and have been told that we excel at retaining customers. However, it was an eye-opener to discover that we are just about average. Our whole management group was taken away by this
I always believed and have been told that we excel at retaining customers. However, it was an eye-opener to discover that we are just about average. Our whole management group was taken away by this
I always believed and have been told that we excel at retaining customers. However, it was an eye-opener to discover that we are just about average. Our whole management group was taken away by this
Get an objective view of how your chain is performing
Get an objective view of how your chain is performing
Get an objective view of how your chain is performing
Take all biases out. Get an objective measure on your performance across customer retention, food, service, food, ambiance and hygiene. Understand your positioning and market perspective within the restaurant industry.
Take all biases out. Get an objective measure on your performance across customer retention, food, service, food, ambiance and hygiene. Understand your positioning and market perspective within the restaurant industry.
Take all biases out. Get an objective measure on your performance across customer retention, food, service, food, ambiance and hygiene. Understand your positioning and market perspective within the restaurant industry.

Identify areas
of improvement
Identify areas
of improvement
Identify areas
of improvement
By examining the areas where competitors are excelling or where they have a distinct advantage, you can identify your weaknesses or areas that need development
By examining the areas where competitors are excelling or where they have a distinct advantage, you can identify your weaknesses or areas that need development
By examining the areas where competitors are excelling or where they have a distinct advantage, you can identify your weaknesses or areas that need development
See where you perform better and use this to your advantage
See where you perform better and use this to your advantage
See where you perform better and use this to your advantage
Use your awareness about strengths to differentiate further with strategic marketing and positioning. Use it to expand into new markets or expand your existing services.
Use your awareness about strengths to differentiate further with strategic marketing and positioning. Use it to expand into new markets or expand your existing services.
Use your awareness about strengths to differentiate further with strategic marketing and positioning. Use it to expand into new markets or expand your existing services.

Compare performance
Benchmark across key segments
Geographic location
by district
by city
by country
Type of restaurant
Fine dine-in
Take away
Fast food
Restaurant size
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